- Fondazione Muri USCHPA21-USCHPA22
- Muro di fondazione con orientamento NW-SE individuato a chiusura del lato occidentale dell'amb 23. La usm, visibile solo per un breve tratto del paramento orientale, presenta una posa in opera abbastanza accurata realizzata con blocchi calcarei di grandi dimensioni (cm 35x25; 40x15) e di forma irregolare, privi tuttavia di tracce di lavorazione, disposti in corsi orizzontrali (la usm e stata evidenziata per un max di 3 filari) regolarizzati con pietre calcaree di piccole dimensioni. La usm presenta come legante un terreno friabile di matrice sabbiosa.
- Fondazione delle murature USM 21 e 22 e della sogli US 53 che costituiscono le strutture murarie divisorie dei vani 22 e 23
- Not Recorded
- 19-7-2001
- Probabilmente la USM e' da riferire ad una fase tarde di vita degli ambienti
- Not Recorded
- 15-7-2002
- The 2002 interpretation, made with a different writing instrument, also notes "Basso medioevo" for the date of the structure. It is difficult to understand how the underlying wall could relate to "una fase tarde" of the life of the rooms. Given the relation between the early wall under the other side of complex 1, and its connection with the Early Byzantine walls at the N end of the courtyard, it seems more likely that here, too, a well constructed Early Byzantine wall was reused as a foundation. It is not possible to tell if this foundation belonged to the same building as that represented by the walls over the slabs, but it seems to be on the same alignment, which would explain the odd alignment of the wall of the northern part of Complex 1 in its final phase.
- 13-6-2012
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
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Fish Species Assemblage
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Birds Species Assemblage
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Ceramic Assemblage
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Record Status Flags
- Not Recorded
Date Excavated
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- Not Recorded
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