
Micro View Forms


  • CH01USCHPA74
  • Muro con andamento N\E - S\W che definisce a SE il Vano 26
  • Muro a doppio paramento costruito con blocchi rozzamente squadrati conservato per tre filari in altezza. Sulla parte di chiusura W conserva lo stipite, mentre una grossa pietra angolare lo lega all'USCHPA29. L'incavo non e leggibile per il crollo della parte superiore, ma resta traccia in pianta. Sacco con pietre di piccole e medie dimensioni mescolate a terreno grigio. Incavo sia all'interno che all'esterno di cui resta solo la profondita (10-11 cm)
  • This number represents the wall segment along the main street between wall 29 and the door to room 26. It was combined with wall 73 in the final version of the GIS.


  • Same As

    None linked.


  • No Interpretation



Formation Processes


Faunal Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Ceramic Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record

Linked Special Finds

  • No attached items.

Linked Samples

  • No attached items.

Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

  • No attached items.

Recording Sheet

Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • Not Recorded
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • Not Recorded

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • No attached items.


  • There are no files attached to this record yet.

Linked GeoPhotos

  • No attached items.

Linked Drawings

  • No attached items.

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.