
Micro View Forms


  • CH04SR0363
  • tile collapse in room 31 [possibly same fill as SR359]
  • Light brown soil, with small charcoal inclusions, large quantity of broken rooftiles; distinct from layer around it in the apparent coherence of the tile collapse (large closely-set fragments)
  • Tile collapse likely does not represent a separate context. Equals SR359 but with high concentration of tile. More collapse in the form of large stones in no particular setting located directly under the tile concentration.


    • Same context as 359 (collapse from walls and roof surrounding room 31)
      • SM


Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Ceramic Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record

Linked Special Finds

  • No attached items.

Linked Samples

  • No attached items.

Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

  • No attached items.

Recording Sheet



Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • SM
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • SM

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: CH04SR_60
    • file_image
    • tile collapse in room 31 - with chalkboard and north arrow
  • Site Photo: CH04SR_61
    • file_image
    • tile collapse in room 31 - without chalkboard and north arrow


  • There are no files attached to this record yet.

Linked GeoPhotos

  • Geophoto: CH04SR_20
    • tile collapse in room 31

Linked Drawings

  • No attached items.

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.