
Micro View Forms


  • CH05SR0516
  • Wall collapse on Main street
  • Brown soil with stones. Includes fragments of tile, ceramics, and bones; upper layers probably disturbed by modern intrusions; layer slopes up to wall of insula, thinnest (10 cm) at SE side, irregular limits.


    • The collapse of the walls of the rooms at the SE of the insula - probably during single moment of destruction.
      • AS

Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Fish Species Assemblage

Total = 1
Scophthalmus rhombus 1

Birds Species Assemblage

Total = 5
Gallus gallus f. Domestica 5

Ceramic Assemblage

Total = 62
Tile (class) 1
Pithos 1
Amphora 25
Cookware 4
Fineware 31
Total = 62
Tile (type) 1
Pithos (type) 1
Chios (capped) 1
Chersonesos 1
Class 24 ("Black Sea" with rilled zones) 9
Class 41 1
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) 5
Class 51-52 6
Unidentified amphora 2
Wheelmade cookware 4
Unidentified plain fineware 6
Glazed White Ware II 3
Glazed White Ware IV (group 9, Yakobson) 1
Syrian? (kashin/faience) 2
Zeuxippos ware 4
Polychrome ware (Group 6, Yakobson) 7
Group 8 (Yakobson ) - slip-painted ware 4
Unidentified glazed fineware 4
Total = 62
9th-10th c. AD 1
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) 2
9th-11th c. AD 13
12th-13th c. AD 29

Linked Special Finds

Linked Samples

  • Sample: CH05SR_336
    • Charcoal Sample from main street

Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

Recording Sheet

Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • AS
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • AS

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: CH05SR_489
    • file_image
    • Main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_490
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street and modern trench near east profile
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_491
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_492
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_493
    • file_image
    • Main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_495
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_496
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_497
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_498
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_499
    • file_image
    • Wall collapse on main street
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_539
    • file_image
    • Piece of charcoal (sample no 332)
  • Site Photo: CH05SR_542
    • file_image
    • Piece of charcoal (sample number 336)


Linked GeoPhotos

  • Geophoto: CH05SR_288
    • tile collapse in Main Street
  • Geophoto: CH05SR_289
    • tile collapse in Main Street

Linked Drawings

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.