- CH06SR0841
- Cut for the fill of trench 0837 in courtyard
- A distinct cut with the dimensions of 80-90 cm (NW-SE) X 3.45 M (NE-SW) and approximately 45 cm in depth. The southern-most cut is into the bedrock and eroded bedrock and deeper (higher from surface of cut to top of cut) than the northern-most cut. The Northern cut is approximately 25 cm in depth and only extends about 2/3rds the length of the Southern cut. Both cuts are steep and the surface/bottom of the cut is flat.
- The cut for the fill 0837, presumably to take either the stones that made up an earlier wall or the stone slabs such as those in Room 37 and the courtyard. Its possible they were taking the latter when they located the former and took them both.
- SM
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Ceramic Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
- There are no results for this record
- There are no results for this record
Linked Special Finds
- No attached items.
Linked Samples
- No attached items.
Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
- SM
Date Excavated
11-7-2006 -
Verified by
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Entered By
- SM
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH06SR_1322
Site Photo: CH06SR_1323
Site Photo: CH06SR_1324
Site Photo: CH06SR_1325
- There are no files attached to this record yet.
Linked GeoPhotos
- No attached items.
Linked Drawings
Drawing: CH06SR_112
- Bedrock layer, courtyard
Drawing: CH06SR_123
- section through courtyard along wall 296
Drawing: CH06SR_93
- Layer Plan, West Courtyard
Linked TopoSurfaces
- No attached items.
PhotoModeler Projects
PMP: CH06SR_50
- "Robbers'" trench in Area 2