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- Plan of floor of room 28 with hearth
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_387
- Hard-packed, compact layer of clayey soil varying in color from grayish tan in the SW to beige tan in the N to a burnt chocolate brown near the door to the street; contains small rocks, animal bone, (including very heavily burnt pieces), small pieces of slag, pottery, charcoal inclusions; this number refers to all areas NE of the basin where beaten earth is present.
Context: CH04SR_391
- Soft, black ashy soil located in a circular area approximately 35cm in diameter near the SE door of room 28; contains some small rocks, possibly burnt and a large quantity of various fragments of slag of differing consistency, some small charcoal fragments, about 5-7cm deep.
Context: CH04SR_413
- Irregular expanse of large, roughly flat pavers concentrated in center of room 28, W and N of the metal-working hearth
GIS Status
Drawn On