
Micro View Forms

  • CH
  • 460
  • Context Group

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH04SR_460
    • Ashy layer running from doorway of room 29 across to doorway of room 36. Black fine consistency - hammerscale prevalent, few finds, lots of slag.
  • Context: CH05SR_460
    • Two ashy patches, in the North and south of the room, separated by a bedrock ridge. The ashy deposits contain metallurgical debris inclusions, pottery, tile, and bone. The northern patch is approximately 60 cm in diameter and roughly circular, built up against a wall of the bedrock. The southern patch is roughly 1m by 1.5 m and contained similar finds. Soil is fine silt-loam, black. Same as CH04SR0460; see last year's context sheet for more details. In south-east half of the room almost non-existent over bedrock to center of the room deeper, cut hearth features in front of stairs in east corner.

Final Interpretation

  • No Interpretation
