
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 20

PhotoModeler Projects


  • SW section of the trench
  • control point 2 was kicked after first four pictures were taken, point 1 may have also been kicked

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_796
    • Big pieces of several vessels on the S3 of the Stenopos. Set of fragments has ca. 7--10 cm depth and covers almost all surface of the road, but its bigger part lays in NE part. In the middle of the set there's a piece of white substance which could possibly be the content of one of the vessels. Some parts of the vessels were articulated. Under the bottom part of the collapse there were the traces of burning.
  • Context: CH06SR_797
    • Compact brown soil including tile and ceramic vessels fragments, stones. Depth ca. 5 cm.


  • Photographed By
  • Modeler
    • JN