
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 73

PhotoModeler Projects


  • NW part

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_906
    • Compact clay layer of fill in the central-western part of cut 900. This layer was distinct from both 908 and 879 which were adjacent to it. This layer also had a cut on its eastern side, cut 909. The soil was compact and contained debris typical of trash fills - pottery, bones, plaster, metal objects, but also three ceramic loom weights.
  • Context: CH06SR_908
    • Layer of compact clay soil between layer 906 and bedrock along W side of cut 900. This layer was directly above bedrock and was thus compact and had only a little material compared to other fills in this cut - seashell, pottery, bone and tile and small pieces of iron. The material is characterized by small bits of diffuse charcoal and ashy material (ashy esp. in the SW corner of the context).
  • Context: CH06SR_909
    • Cut in the bedrock, along the central portion (running N-S) of cut 900. This cut divides the higher and lower portions of the floor in cut 900.
  • Context: CH06SR_910
    • Layer of compact brown soil, just above the bedrock, in the eastern side of cut 900. The layer was the bottom most of the fill in this cut and had much of the same debris in it as its upper layers - ceramic, bone, seashells, plaster and some small pieces of glass.


  • Photographed By
  • Modeler
    • JN