Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- coin
- Diameter 1,5cm. Not readable at this moment.
- Leo VI (886-912)
- Initials of Leo (Λ Ε)
- Cross on steps with pellets in both fields.
- Anokhin 1980, Pl. XXVI, no 387-388, 391 (Leo VI and Alexander); DOC III, 9 (Class 1); Grierson 1982, no. 872.
- MC 20 [18681). Slightly broken.
Find Details
- 0.2cm
- 3g
- 12
- 16mm
- 886 (As ISO8601 Year)
- 886 (As ISO8601 Year)
- 912 (As ISO8601 Year)
- 912 (As ISO8601 Year)
Linked Contexts
Context: CH01PA_112
- strato di riempimento del silos PA 111. Terreno incoerente, friabile, con chiazze di cenere e piccole pietre. Presenza di ossa animali (anche fauna ittica), ceramica, laterizi, scorie ferrose. Margine di distinzione netto.
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