
Micro View Forms

  • CH01PA
  • 832

Publication Catalogue

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  • nail
  • square sect.; missing head

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  • on/off_switch
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  • 3cm
  • 0.7cm


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Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH01PA_164
    • [2001] I contento non e' stato scavato. Viene documentato solo in superficie: terreno polveroso com molte radici, frr di pietra, ossa umane (localizzate a ridosse del bordo Ovest della tomba), frammenti di laterizi. [28/06/2002] Terreno di coloroe marrone scuro molto organico. Abundant glass fragments. Probably 8 sk. [1/07/02] There are many human bones, disarticulated. We have found today 3 articulated skeletons. SK 1 is a young man or woman on the side of the tomb, with its arms on its abdomen. SK 1 is not in supine position but on a side. SK 2 is an adult. The bones are in good condition. In the tomb we found a badly preserved bronze coin from the mint of Chersonesos, dating to the 13th century. SK 3 lies over SK 1, in the same position, the skeletons are situated on each other. In one case the still partly articulated bones of earlier burials show that total decomposition had not taken place prior to the burial of later individuals. [8/7/2002] Sabato 7 luglio e' terminato lo scavo della tomba 1. Dopo il rinvenimento di altri 13 crani posti su 2 livelli ed addossati al lato W della stessa, gli individui sepolti all'interno di essa sono 30 circa. Il terreno e' di colore marrone con radici e molte piccole lumachine -- terreno morbido. Saturday 7 July the excavation of Tomb 1 is finished. On the west side of the tomb we found 13 skulls. These skulls were situated on two levels. The total of depositions is about 30 individuals. The soil has a brown colour and it is mixed with small roots and small snails. The snails are, probably, a result of the decomposition of the bodies. The soil is soft. It contains few small stones and fragments of wall plaster. In the soil there are little fragments of charcoal. The coins that we found in the tomb are dated to the 13th century and they present the normal monogram of the mint of Chersonesos. These coins are of bronze.


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