
Micro View Forms

  • CH04SR
  • 2167

Publication Catalogue

  • No text data has been added


  • bead (amethyst?)
  • Purple and white stone bead. Possibly local amethyst? Central hole is 0.2cm across. Bead is triangular with rounded edges, highly polished with no other apparent decoration. There are small chips in a few spots on the bead, but it is otherwise undamaged.

Find Details

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch

Find Details

  • 0cm
  • 0cm
  • 0cm
  • 0cm


  • No number data has been added

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH04SR_355
    • Layer consisting of broken pottery including both pithoi and glazed pottery. Spread all over the floor of room 29, apparently smashed in situ. Whole forms of pottery are present, including two jugs and parts of at least two pithoi. The ceramic of this layer join with ceramics from SR 351 and SR348


  • Recorded By
    • KGC
    Date Analyzed
  • Entered By
    • KGC

Spatial Data