Publication Catalogue
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- Iron plate
- 10 pcs of an iron plate. Measured piece is slightly curved, all pcs are very oxidiized. Two pieces fit together and have a hooked end shaft, 7.5cm long and 1 cm wide, bent in an 'L' at the end a finished point. In the other direction the metal widens and flattens to a wide curved barrel with one blunt edge and one sharp (on the inside of the curve)
Find Details
- 11.6cm
- 5.5cm
- 0.48cm
- 0cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_410
- Collapse of vessels and tiles in a sandy brown soil. All the vessels were along the southern wall of the room. In all the room there were a lot of nails, with a concentration in south-western side.
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