Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Oxidized bronze coin. Only one side struck? Edge has two nicksout of it. No motif discernable - perhaps dots in a "V" or low edge.
- Constantius II (337-361)
- AE centenionalis
- Profile bust of emperor
- Soldier advancing spearing fallen horseman.
- Sear, Roman Coins, p. 337, no 4003
- MC 46 [18943]. Very corroded. Broken.
Find Details
- 0cm
- 0cm
- 0.2cm
- 1.7cm
- 2.06g
- 6
- 17mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_435
- Layer of hard-packed dark brown soil. This layer included several large pieces of carbonized wood, including those lifted by the conservators. Medium-sized, flatish stones, burned and fire-cracked were removed and were sitting on/in this layer (rough sketch on back of context sheet).