
Micro View Forms

  • CH04SR
  • 2549

Publication Catalogue

  • No text data has been added


  • Vessel fragment (green glaze)
  • thickness 10.8. Bright green glazed jug. One handle open top and spout, both broken. White clay or slp inder green glaze stops 1.6cm from lower break (base broken off). Green glaze stops near there. Orange fired clay.

Find Details

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch

Find Details

  • 0cm
  • 0cm
  • 8.8cm
  • 9.3cm


  • No number data has been added

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH04SR_431
    • Fill of the pit from the cut SR430. Consisted of loose very dark brown grey soil with many artifacts including large amounts of ceramics, tile, and bone. Some tile was placed directly under the wall and laid flat. Fill has very few stones, and those that were there were small to medium in size. This context of fill made up all of the pit except for two small more compact fill contexts (SR441 and SR442).


  • Recorded By
    • KGC
    Date Analyzed
  • Entered By
    • SW

Spatial Data