Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Worked horn
- Worked dark horn. Horn hassome white colouring on upper side. But is otherwise dark brown/black. Hollow, possibly trace burning on lower edge. Highly polished. One tool mark, al broad flat slice slightly oblique to the shape of the horn near the tip. **CURRENT ATTACHED PHOTOS ARE INCORRECT, PROBABLY REPRESENT 2160
Find Details
- 3.8cm
- 1.7cm
- 0.85cm
- 0cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_435
- Layer of hard-packed dark brown soil. This layer included several large pieces of carbonized wood, including those lifted by the conservators. Medium-sized, flatish stones, burned and fire-cracked were removed and were sitting on/in this layer (rough sketch on back of context sheet).