Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Oxidized and encrusted bronze coin. Possibly rho-monogram type. Center appears depressed and dimensions are correct.
- Rho monogram type. According to Anokhin coin of late 11th- early 12th c.
- Monogram of Romanus (Ρ Ω).
- Cross on steps with pellets on both fields.
- Anokhin 1980, no 465 (but much bigger)
- MC 59 [?]]. Fragment (little more than half the coin)
Find Details
- 1.8cm
- 0.2cm
- 2.5cm
- 4.8g
- 12
- 25mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_280
- see context sheet from CH02 for initial details; the lower parts of this wall are very strange since an extension seems to be built up against the ne face and other parts are only very loosely chinked; the sw face of the wall has largely fallen away, leaving only the lowest corses of stone; also founded directly on bedrock left high under wall.