Publication Catalogue
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- Large marble column capital with graffito gameboards
- Reused column capital. Scroll design at lowest area - wide bands around ends of scrolls and an abstract organic design - 2 almond shapes pointed ends joined by a wide band ? Repeated at least once. Cracked, weathered. Top expands outward and up to smooth, weathered flat top surface. 2 gameboards scratched in - one large (13.8x 16.5) one smaller (16.5x 13.2) Also small box with triangle atop and t through (7.7 cm x 5.5 cm)
Find Details
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Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_486
- 3 x Column capitals. From SE end. One large intact (est 900 x 600 mm). Middle (est 900x600mm) broken into 3 frags. NW end (est 800x 450mm) with 2 fracture lines. Make up bench with incised gaming boards x 2 on SE end capital.