Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Part of a worked bone object
- Part of a worked bone object: one end of an elongated, flat toggle or shaft with a partially-preserved hole or eye. The object is trapezoidal in form; the preserved end tapers to a wedge-shape. The hole or eye begins at the broken edge, and seems to have been oval; it is slightly off-center with respect to the object's long axis. The surface of the object is highly polished, especially around the eye. One side surface has been cut flat, the other is slightly convex. The preserved end of the object shows signs of burning. Ca. 4cm long, 1.5cm wide.
Find Details
- 4cm
- 1.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH04SR_424
- Area of more compact brown soil forming matrix for large stones along the western wall. Excavation revealed this layer to be of looser composition than originally thought. Probably equals SR372.