Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Architectural detail (0.85m from 17.2385)
- molded limestone- one face decorated. Chiseled lateral indentation 1,4 cm wide, ca 5,8 cm below top edge and continues on to left edge followed by convex molding then recessed ca, 2,0 cm wide band followed by concave molding with incised vertical parallel lines. Opposite face and top and left hand edges roughly finished. Half of opposite face lost through fracture. Apparent lip at line of lateral fracture suggests shallow concavity of this face. Possible door lintel or jamb.
Find Details
- 30cm
- 18cm
- 8.8cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_517
- Fill of well by stones without the ground between the stones or with the small quantity of soil (greyish brown with inclusions of yellow powder - desintegrated limestone).The quantity of finds is less than in 511 context.The context begins in the depth approx. 2,5 m.Some stones have the traces of burning.