Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Heavily encrusted disc; green corrosion product; heavy in weight; no discernible features/ detail.
- Rho monogram type. According to Anokhin coin of Romanus IV (1067-1071)
- Monogram of Romanus (Ρ Ω].
- Cross on steps with pellets on both fields.
- Anokhin 1980, Pl. XXX, 457 (but bigger).
- MC 6 [19277]
Find Details
- 2.8cm
- 2.7cm
- 0.4cm
- 12.57g
- 12
- 26mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_505
- Ashy-gray fine silt loam, roughly ovoid in shape 1.0 by 0.5m, hearth feature defined by incomplete cirle of stones next to door to street.