Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- Irregular shaped object comprising stem 0,5 cm long, 0,4 cm wide at either end of which knobular masses of unequal size and shape; one is flat spheroidal, length 0,7 cm , width 0,6 cm; other irregularly shaped and projecting 0,9 cm above plane of the "stem" (to create an "L"- shape in profile) 0,9 cm by 0,7 cm. Encrusted generally and much corroded.
Find Details
- 2cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_527
- Dimensions are 21 cm N-S X 24 cm E-W and approximately 12 cm in depth; black ashy loam. Context 527 extends under large stone (Context 532) to the south. Filled irregular cut in 2 surfaces under the last courtyard surface [509]