Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object (1.40m from point 17.2385)
- Heavily encrusted and corroded "L"- shaped, comprising one long (5,6 cm) and one short (2,3 cm) element; short element reveals plate ca 0,1 cm thick and 0,45 cm wide at end. Evidence that width of plate reduced 0,5 cm from end from an original width of ca 1,0 cm, 1,3 cm from end, then further stepped out to a total width of 1,1/1,2 cm. "Reverse" side of longer element reveals evidence of strip of iron plate of consistent width ca 1,1 cm; nature of junction uncertain- bend damage or deliberate formation of ca, 90 degree bend?
Find Details
- 5.6cm
- 1.7cm
- 0.6cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_520
- Fill of well by stones and grayish-brown wet plastic soil with inclusions of charcoal, small stones and yellowish powder (disintegrated limestone).Pieces of pottery with traces of burning or exposure to standing water. The surface of context 520 is 86 cm deeper than 17,2385 point. The depth of the surface of 520 context is 3,15-3,30 m. from the beginning of the shaft. The well shaft widens at a depth of 3 m.