Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Roughly circular; both faces reveal rim; omega/ rho monogram; on reverse no discernible features but undulations on face suggest their presence but veiled by encrustation; coin slightly concave on obverse side (pressure damage); possible 11th to 14th cent.
- Rho monogram type. According to Anokhin coin of Romanus IV (1067-1071)
- Monogram of Romanus (Ρ Ω].
- Cross on steps with pellets on both fields.
- Anokhin 1980, Pl. XXX, 457 (but bigger).
- MC 9 [19279]. Slightly concave.
Find Details
- 2.5cm
- 2.6cm
- 1.5cm
- 8.34g
- 25mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_538
- Orange/yellow mottled clay with brown, extending over the majority of the surface of the courtyard; thin (varying from approx 10-20 cm in depth) compact layer [with a gravely] consistency; this context only partially covered context 550