Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Weight
- Roughly oblong, sides gradually convergent, shallow domed one end, fractured at other; squarish in cross-section with rounded corners; hole 0,7 cm dia, 1,2 cm from top drilled through to opposite face, one edge of hole (both faces) reveals evidence of wear (from a line or the like), more pronounced one face.
Find Details
- 3.5cm
- 2.5cm
- 2.7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_525
- Black ashy soil with large amounts of industrial debris (metal slag). Has brown, gray, and green ashy silty inclusions [and it] also has orange and yellow clay inclusions. Original definition of context was approximately 2M (N-S) X 1M (E-W). As context was excavated its definition stretched [extended] southward another 60 cm and the area to the north was assigned [to] another context (563). Depth of context varied from approximately 30-55 cm.