Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- heavy; much corroded/ encrusted; roughly 4 sided, of rectangular cross- section 2cm by 1,4 cm; 4 "sides" convergent to form pyramidal shape terminating in flat apex 1,4 cm by 1 cm. 4 "sides" convergent to form pyramidal shape terminating i9n flat apex 1,4 cm by 1 cm.
Find Details
- 6.5cm
- 2.2cm
- 2.2cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_564
- Very dark brown, circular feature of which the dimensions are approximately 1.65 (N-S) X 1.5 (E-W) Meters and 25 cm in depth. Artifacts were consistent with surrounding contexts. Filled regular circular cut in final 2 surfaces and above bedrock.