Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Arrow head from Tomb 5
- Elongated lanceate head 3,5 cm, sides parallel for ca 2 cm then converge to point; in cross- section at tang roughly square (side 0,4 cm) then becoming ellipsoidal with raised spine both fades, stepped at shoulder to tang 0,35 cm wide, roughly round cross- section then converging 0,85 cm to a rounded point; corrosion and encrustation all surfaces.
Find Details
- 4.5cm
- 0.7cm
- 0.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_552
- Context was unified fill containig large rocks, plaster, sherds, human and animal bone. Fill was devided into layers for purposes of human bone recording.