Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Strip (from sieve)
- Fragment of copper/ copper alloy strip folded back on itself; corroded (green product overall); encrusted.
Find Details
- 1.4cm
- 1.1cm
- 0.1cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_571
- Loose brown soil with inclusions (pottery, tile fragments, animal bones and smaller stones). On NE side edge of this fill is irregular cut in bedrock, SE edge is stone construction of Tomb 5, on SW side large head stone of Tomb 4 and on NW side stone slabs (context number 719). We didn't excavate this context completellt for it goes below stone slabs (connection with 669) and also towards SW - below head stone of Tomb 4. But in excavated section we came to bedrock. Dimensions are 1m (NW) x 0.80m (SW) x 1.20m (SE) and irregular on NE side.