Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- Longitudinal, one straight side and one straight end at right angle; other side gently divergent (from ca 1,4 cm to 1,7 cm ) for 2,3 cm the bulges for 2 cm (max width 1,9 cm); thereafter sides gently convergent to rounded point; profile ellipsoidal/ flat domical; one face has a flatter profile; central to object is an elongated (2,1 cm long, ca. 0,5cm wide) hole with rounded ends and rounded bulge one side centrally.
Find Details
- 7.1cm
- 1.9cm
- 0.7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_434
- Light-brown soil with a big amount of tile. Also includes ceramic, bones fragments, slag big pieces of charcoal & burnt wood; two large pieces of burnt wood found near Rm 36 - one was lifted in a block, one sampled; collapse also covered a human skeleton in same area.