
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 3026

Publication Catalogue

  • No text data has been added


  • Object
  • Longitudinal; very heavily corroded/ encrusted; fissured; fragile state. Comprises 2 main elements; 1; spike like section 29,5 cm long ca. 2 cm wide (roughly square cross- section); all sides appear to converge to a rounded point; 2; attached to element 1, contiguous with it, commencing 1,5 cm from the wider end of element 1; rectangular element (2,5 cm by 3,5 cm) 11 cm long, apparantly parallel rectilinear sides; sides then step down to form waisted section ca 2,5 cm by 2,5 cm which itself is connected to a roughly square 5 cm by 5cm, ca 3 cm deep section; projecting perpendicularly from this at its further edge is a 2,5 cm by 3 cm wide part which straddles element 1. manner of attachment between elements 1 and 2 unclear; object of this configuration not before seen at the preserve.

Find Details

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch

Find Details

  • 29.5cm
  • 6cm
  • 5.8cm


  • No number data has been added

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_434
    • Light-brown soil with a big amount of tile. Also includes ceramic, bones fragments, slag big pieces of charcoal & burnt wood; two large pieces of burnt wood found near Rm 36 - one was lifted in a block, one sampled; collapse also covered a human skeleton in same area.


  • Recorded By
    • RS
    Date Analyzed
  • Entered By
    • RS

Spatial Data