Publication Catalogue
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- 2 elements: Element 1 comprises 2 plates 0.7 cm wide each decorated with narrow fillet 0.2 cm at and around circumference; within this assorted engrave, generally vertical lines; from plate has vertically hinged element surrounded by cast lion figure; reverse side plate is pierced by a 0.7 cm x 0.5 cm lozenge shaped hole; surmounting the plates in vertical plane at one end a 2.3 cm high 0.6 cm wide projection with hole 0.5 cm dia facing longitudinally to receive circular rod of: element 2 which has 1 cm wide lug lower end and circular rod upper; the lug located in the end face aperture of element 1; both elements decorated with cast lion figures.
Find Details
- 10.5cm
- 7cm
- 3.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_434
- Light-brown soil with a big amount of tile. Also includes ceramic, bones fragments, slag big pieces of charcoal & burnt wood; two large pieces of burnt wood found near Rm 36 - one was lifted in a block, one sampled; collapse also covered a human skeleton in same area.