Publication Catalogue
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- Object
- 2 pieces, both heavily corroded/ encrusted; large piece, arrow head shape in plan; at one end shoulders slope to 2,2 cm wide, ca. 2,5 cm long 0,4 cm thick element turned up from plane by ca. 60 degrees; at other end long sides converge almost to a point where there appears to be the remainder of a ring. Coupled with that ring is another ringed item, fused/ corroded together; underside flat. Small piece; 6,5 cm long, 2 arms, one 2,5 cm, other 3,8 cm, each terminating in a small hook.
Find Details
- 15.8cm
- 5.5cm
- 1.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_579
- Brown-grey soil with a tile fragments. Includes also bones, ceramics, metal fragments; charcoal & burnt wood, especially outside Rm 28; extends at irregular fall down into road from wall of insula 2-3 m, not present on SE side of street; at E corner of block, wall collapse covers a bronze bucket apparently left on the street.