Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object with wood remains
- longitudinal iron element with, centrally, and at right angles to it, fragments of wood; within the wood fragment are 2 (?) iron elements; the first nailed element resembles a pick head, one arm 3.5 cm long, having convergent sides to a rounded point; the other 2.5 cm long, having a flat spade like appearance; between the 2 arms is a raised rounded element 2.5 cm (socket?); all heavily encrusted/corroded.
Find Details
- 8.6cm
- 2.5cm
- 3.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_592
- Soft ashy soil in NE part of room 37; extends along wall between 37 and 31a/30, NE edge of room; composed of gray ashy soil and orange burnt soil, irregular form, limit not distinct, seems to be uppermost layer in N corner of room