Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object (part of a door)
- flat (0.6 cm thick) rectangular element (8 cm x 2 cm); at one end projecting laterally perpendicular to long side, a narrow element (1 cm long x 0.4 cm wide); seemingly part of a rectangular end plate, one corner of which is visible (thickness 0.2 cm); at other end, arising out of the face a mass 1.3 cm high, 1.7 cm across, slightly domed; end appears slightly curved with lug-like protrusion; 0.4 cm long & 0.2 cm wide projecting laterally; heavily encrusted/corroded.
Find Details
- 8.7cm
- 2.5cm
- 2.2cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_579
- Brown-grey soil with a tile fragments. Includes also bones, ceramics, metal fragments; charcoal & burnt wood, especially outside Rm 28; extends at irregular fall down into road from wall of insula 2-3 m, not present on SE side of street; at E corner of block, wall collapse covers a bronze bucket apparently left on the street.