Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Coin
- Segment (about a third of upper part); upper element of omega/ rho monogram visible on one face, and rim; no feature visible on reverse; generally corroded/ encrusted.
- Rho monogram type. According to Anokhin coin of late 11th- early 12th c.
- Monogram of Romanus (only Ρ visible].
- Blank.
- Anokhin 1980, 469
- MC 36 [?]. Fragment.
Find Details
- 2.1cm
- 0.7cm
- 0.15cm
- 1.14g
- 21mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_580
- Articulated vases and spread fragmented tiles, flattened on a claysh and compact surface, mixed with these bits of charcoal and ash, that make the soil dark-gray. It is extended in the E side of the room.