Publication Catalogue
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- Fragment; translucent with brown patches along one edge a spine work of a line of semi- circular protrusions (pattern undulates in plan); conical element (roughly elliptical end section 2 cm by 1,8 cm); develops into rectilinear stem with sides convergent over 3,2 cm from 0,9 cm dia to 0,5 cm dia; depth of spine decoration ca 0,4 cm.
Find Details
- 4.5cm
- 1.8cm
- 2.4cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_602
- Trampling surface made up by bitten brownish gray soil,concave at the centre of the pit, mixed with bits of white stones and fragmented bits of charcoal. It fills all over the space of the pit but nex to the SW and NE side, it was intercepted two "channel".It is composed by a thin layer of eroded bedrock.