Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- bracelet (2 pieces) from sieve
- two pieces which fit; white; substantially pitted/scarred; circular cross-section 0.6cm constant except at ends; at one end terminates in rounded element; at other, widening 0.6cm for 1.9cm; on outer surface 2, 0.2cm - 0.3cm, notches 0.6cm apart then bulbous element ca. 0.8cm diameter (and which projects ca. 0.2cm from inner aspect); finally terminating in an element 0.2cm wide which appears to be remnant of fully circular section.
Find Details
- 6.5cm
- 0.8cm
- 2.2cm
- 0.6cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_643
- Brown soil with a lime crumb, small ceramic fragments -- extends 80 cm from NW wall of room 30 in W corner, filling a deep, irregular hole next to the wall; layer contained a ceramic vessel, from which the paleobotanical sample was collected (not mapped, but photo of ceramic vessel in situ)