Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- object (from sieve?)
- Longitudinal; heavily encrusted/ corroded; object appears to be distorted in plan being slightly bent in 2 places; form of cross section entirely veiled by encrustations; at one end a 1 cm long. 0,5 cm wide element protrudes from surface.
Find Details
- 6.8cm
- 1.2cm
- 2.3cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_648
- Light grey compact soil with the inclusions of ceramic, tile, nail frag-s; soil is pale orange in patches, ashy, seems to preserve traces of burning; reaches depth of up to 30cm in E corner of the room, extends to NW, but boundary with grayer, rockier soil to NW not identified; unlike hearth, the outline of this soil is ellipsoidal, and its center is located somewhat to the SE of the center of the circular hearth above
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