Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- hooks (6 pieces)
- dimensions of the group: 6 hooks corroded together (one has become separated from the group); 5 small (7.8cm long), 1 large (8.6cm long); diameter of hook arc: 4cm large, 3cm-3.8cm small; all have barbs and eyes; all circular cross-section: large 0.4cm, small 0.25cm.
Find Details
- 8.7cm
- 4.3cm
- 1.3cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_693
- Wall on earth fill in SE side of room 37, along the same line as 692 but at a substantially higher level and slightly wider where it sits above 692; wall of dry masonry of large irregular stones faced on both sides; direction: NE - SW; length -1,2 m; 70 cm in wide; height 35 cm. Only one course of masonry remains.