Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- coin
- rev: corroded/encrusted; M (follis), star/cross above; unascertainable detail below and to sides (likely to be revealed on cleaning), rim; obv: heavily encrusted; profile suggests detail will be revealed on cleaning; rim; 6th Century.
- Michael II (820-829)
- Follis
- Facing busts of Michael and Theophilus. Full inscription
- Large M, with NNNand XXX to r. and l. Θ underneath.
- Grierson 1982, no 809 (Class 3)
- MC 70 [19325].
Find Details
- 3.1cm
- 3cm
- 1.5cm
- 9.1g
- 7
- 31mm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_649
- Compact light brown layer mixed with loose stones, pottery and bones. It is cut (650) along the western cut of the bedrock (728)