Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- arrow head
- lanceolate; sides converge for ca. 6.3cm to a point; at other end width of object reduces (manner unclear through encrustation) to ca. 1cm; then over 3cm convergent to rounded point 0.4cm diameter to form tangent.
Find Details
- 9.4cm
- 1.4cm
- 0.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_398
- Well-built wall of rubble limestone with earthen mortar, large (reused?) cut masonry blocks as quoins and doorjambs, faced on both sides, with evidence of a wooden sleeper beam on both sides of the wall (visible on the interior, partially collapsed on the room 31a side); bonds with walls on either side and with doorsill of door placed roughly in the center of the wall, opposite the door in the SE wall of the room