Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- wire
- length of copper/copper alloy wire, bent once through 360 degrees forming an ellipsoidal "eye"; 0.8cm long, 0.4cm wide; remaining 1cm bent again through ca 45 degrees - all on same plane; encrusted/corroded.
Find Details
- 1.4cm
- 1.3cm
- 0.15cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH05SR_654
- Alignment of stones, 1 course, along lip of bedrock shelf in W, corner of the room 33. intermingled with hard, light-brown-compact-silt-loam. Approximately 70 cm long, 15 cm high, and 20 cm wide. Inclusions include sherd, tile, bone, and metal. Includes fill material of cut 714 (probably fill associated with 661)