Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- Length of bone, finished/worked to produce parallel sided longitudinal object of constant circular diameter. One end appears to be original terminus (flat and perpendicular to the side with rounded edges). Other end fractured. Medullary cavities visible both ends. Along shaft, 1 cm from end terminus, a 0,2 cm wide notch cut tranversely. On opposite side, 1,7 cm from end, a 0,3 cm long cut running longitudinally
Find Details
- 2.7cm
- 0.6cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_778
- Compact light-grey soil including stones, ceramic vessels, tile fragments, bones, fishbones, lime crumble and stones. Light-yellow on the top. Near 40 cm deep.