Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Fragment of plaster
- Fragment of plaster moulded on one side to produce half round (3 cm wide, 1.5 cm deep) moulding arising fom a flat surface. Reverse face rough without feature
Find Details
- 8cm
- 6cm
- 2.6cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_772
- A very compact yellowish brown soil that occurs on both sides of the slab (773). To the east of the slab the dimensions are 57 cm (NE-SW) X 44cm (NW-SE). To the west of the slab the dimensions are 55 cm (NE-SW) X 81 cm (NW-SE). After removing 0774 it was determined that 0772 extended across the entire area between 0773 and wall296/297. The yellow is due to clay inclusions. The dimensions to the east of the slab [0773] also increased; see context extent and sketch plan.
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