Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Link w/ part of an iron object
- V. heavily corroded/encrusted. Shaft 5 cm long ca 1,8 cm wide one end. Tapering to ca 1,5 cm wide other, ca 1,0 cm thick uncertain cross-section, possible ovaloid. At narrower end a 3,5 cm dia. Ring element bent up ca 30 degrees from the plane of the shaft. Ring material circular cross-section 0,5 cm dia. At other end, mass of encrustation masking a roughly square plate-like element, ca 2,0 cm x 2,3 cm x 0,5 cm of uncertain connection to the shaft but may originally have projected in some way but bent back fully 180 degrees against the shaft. One corner has curved profile
Find Details
- 7.8cm
- 3.5cm
- 2.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_785
- Covering the entirety of cut 728, this layer of debris-rich soil was very thick - at least 3 meters. The layer yielded an extremely large amount of small finds, especially (also) iron nails and metal objects.