Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Object
- Curvilinear copper/copper alloy object with convergent sides (from width 0,5 cm to 0,3 cm) End profile (wide end) rectangular profile with rounded edges (0,5 cm x 0,25). (narrow end) circular profile 0,3 cm dia. Top profile parallel rectilinear sided 0,25 cm wide. Side faces bear traces (at wide end) of cast decoration (fragment of lanceolate depression) top face has incised notches (3 plus) also at wide end, whole is corroded and mildly encrusted
Find Details
- 1.5cm
- 0.25cm
- 0.5cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_785
- Covering the entirety of cut 728, this layer of debris-rich soil was very thick - at least 3 meters. The layer yielded an extremely large amount of small finds, especially (also) iron nails and metal objects.