Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- 2 fr. Of bronze/strip/plate
- Fragment of copper/copper alloy strip, original length ca 2,9 cm, 0,1 cm consistant thickness bent laterally half way along its length back upon itself to produce above dimensions. Sides rectilinear parallel. Heavily corroded/encrusted. Bag contains two pieces which fit together
Find Details
- 2cm
- 0.9cm
- 0.35cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_790
- Compact brown layer of soil spanning cuts 729 and 901. This layer was, though excavated separately, the last above bedrock in these narrow cuts. Two large stones rested on the top of this area (part of context 890) and caused 790 (and associated layers above it) to be slightly more compacted here.