Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Bracelet
- Fragment of bracelet. 2 rectilinear parallel edges 2 cm apart. In edge profile curvilinear inner aspect slighly convex. Edges rounded. Outer face moulded, laterally into 3 equal width (0,5 cm) fields divided by 2 narrow (0,1 cm wide) 1/2 round mouldings. Glass greenish blue. Upper and lower fields carry painted foliate decoration in gold (on black?)(Rinceau or vine scroll). Dividing mouldings picked out in white. Central field carries fragment of inscription in gold
Find Details
- 2.9cm
- 2cm
- 0.3cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_785
- Covering the entirety of cut 728, this layer of debris-rich soil was very thick - at least 3 meters. The layer yielded an extremely large amount of small finds, especially (also) iron nails and metal objects.