Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Suspension chain for lamp
- Copper/copper alloy wire, less then 0,1 cm dia. All surfaces corroded. Some encrustation at 2 junctions. 5 linked elements, hook loop linked to 4 looped elements. Hook: 1,9 cm long, dia of hook 0,9 cm look 0,35 cm dia, twisted through 90 degrees. 2nd element: 0,4 cm dia. Loop linked to 2nd look by 0.6 cm shaft; twisted through 90 degrees. 3rd element: as above; length of shaft ca. 7,5 cm. 4th element: as 2nd element. 5th element: 0.4 cm dia loop, 2.6 cm (remainder) of shaft. (By analogy with Sarachane (Istanbul) example, element 5 would have terminated in a hook and carried a further 2 hangers - type "C")
Find Details
- 12cm
- 3.2cm
- 0.1cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_767
- Very compact stoney layer consisiting of tiles, bricks, ceramic fragments. Also includes metal slags, bones… Has a sloping down in its center along the street.