Publication Catalogue
- No text data has been added
- Bronze/Lead Hooks with Sinker
- 2 main elements. Roughly circular lead element, circular cross-section, seemingly convergent sides (1,2 cm dia to 0,8 cm dia). Surface corroded and encrusted. At 3 cm from narrower end, 2 complete copper/ copper alloy hooks with barbs, plus 0,9 cm long remnant of a third project laterally. A ca. 0,2 cm dia depression in the lead element indicates former presence of a fourth hook; hooks appear to be equally spaced about circumference (),6 cm - 0,7 cm) of the lead elelment and probably projected in radial fashion. The 2 complete hooks possibly of different guages but masked by significant encrustations. Maximumthicknesses respectively 0,4 cm/ 0,3 cm; lengths of barbs, 0,7 cm and 0,4 cm. thinner hook bent back somewhat from circular profile and distorted from radial form. Hooks heavily corroded and encrusted.
Find Details
- 7cm
- 2.8cm
- 1.7cm
- No number data has been added
Linked Contexts
Context: CH06SR_764
- Compact brown ashy soil with inclusions of pebbles, charcoal, lime powder, limestone crumb. Layer is spread almost all over the E Wing of Rm.31. In S corner of E wing 764 cut by a pit 776.